About Us
CrossWing® Inc. is a Toronto-area based privately held Canadian corporation. The company was founded in 2006 with the goal to produce an entirely autonomous robotic platform that can serve to benefit consumers, businesses, and national defence.

Our mission is to revolutionize AI & data-driven decision making, immersive communication experiences, and human-robot interaction
through delivering robust technology advisory and outstanding interactive robots which affordably enhance our clients’ insights, security,
customer experience, and bottom line.
CrossWing operates a dedicated R&D lab developing innovative intellectual property, enabling mass market Interactive Personal Robotics (IPR)
systems in fields including telepresence, security and health monitoring. Breakthrough designs at every key subsystem are necessary for success
and we actively leverage university talent pools in areas including man-machine interface design, mechatronics, computer vision, and autonomous
systems encompassing artificial intelligence.
CrossWing’s robotic’s division has several leading industry research partners across Canada including 8 Universities, Natural Science and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Ontario Centres of Excellence, and many others