Next-Gen Telepresence is finally here.

Reliability.|Connectivity.| Flexibility.|
These are the foundations of virtualME. It won’t request vacation time or ask to leave an hour early. It’s always there reliably carrying out its tasks such as setting alerts and reminders; keeping watch of the office while you’re away; or checking in on your residents to make sure they’re safe and sound while they stay at your facilities.


More control and greater flexibility from simple, powerful features

VirtualME will change the way your business connects with the world. It can be your personal banker, greet guests or clients and take them to a designated area, give tours, teleconference, or even integrate with smart business and security systems.

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With the evolving business in mind
In today’s dynamic world, businesses are changing faster than ever – often led by rapid changes in technology. VirtualME has been designed to be adaptable and scalable to accommodate your business as it undergoes changes. Start with something as simple as a telepresence robot and easily scale up to a virtual assistant giving tours, answering questions, booking appointments, and even walking your employees to their cars late at night. The best part is that you decide how you want your robot deployed – knowing you can make changes as your business demands it.

User Experience

The sole reason a product is adopted by users
VirtualME has been carefully designed to integrate its features onto a familiar platform such as an iPad or Surface Tablet to make it simple and familiar to end users. Interaction with VirtualME is as a simple as navigating an expertly designed interface, or taking advantage of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and speak to it like you would to any leading virtual assistant. Security can be as simple as a password or as robust as facial recognition and fingerprint authentication.